Yes, you can choose your baby’s Gender!

IVF Services have advanced significantly in the last 10-years, and it is now routine that lab tests can identify the gender of an embryo in the earliest stages of development. In conjunction with IVF, Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) and diagnostic tests allow you to choose your baby’s gender with almost 100% accuracy. (Nothing is ever 100%!). Designed to identify genetic issues and potential birth defects, PGT tests are now a common procedure and have been shown to reduce the risk of miscarriage. During sequencing, the embryologist can also identify if an embryo carries two X chromosomes (female) or an X and a Y chromosome (male). From this, the gender of a baby can be accurately determined. However, not all patients can produce healthy embryos of the desired gender because of factors related to genetics, age, egg supply, and sperm quality. In these cases, sperm or egg donation is a possibility for Intended Parent(s) who wish to pursue Gender Choice. In fact, many parents using a Caucasian egg donor or Chinese donor choose their preferred gender in conjunction with other services such as surrogacy. There are several other reasons why Parents choose PGT.
  • The first is the intended parents might simply prefer one gender over the other.
  • The second is Family Balancing. As an example, family balancing means that if the Intended Parent(s) only has sons and want their next child to be a girl, they can aim to select a female to ensure a more balanced family.
  • Thirdly, intended parents choose Gender Choice if they are at risk of passing on a gender-based genetically transmitted disease. In this scenario, Gender Choice gives the intended parents the best chance to have the required Gender.
Gender Choice is a wonderful service made possible by science and can help Intended Parents feel more prepared to raise their future children.

Please contact us here if you would like more information on choosing your baby’s gender.